Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Protein for Gaining Muscle-Health and Health

Protein is important for anyone trying to gain muscle mass. During weight training, small form tears in the muscle. Eating protein can help repair these tears, and even support to gain muscle mass.
That is why the protein is crucial for the ultimate health of your muscles. However, there are different types of proteins and the quality varies. In addition, the amount of protein that you need to consume is increasing, if you often do.
According to the American College of Sports Medicine, people who participate in strength training, like weight lifting should consume 1.5 to 2 grams of protein per kilogram of body weight.
Protein sources
The human body consists of about 60 to 70 percent protein. Near the water, it is the most common substance in the body. The protein consists of amino acids that help to gain muscle mass.
American Journal of Physiology reports that the body breaks down more than 20 amino acids. Some of the amino acids considered essential because the body can not make them.
They are also known as complete proteins. "
Examples of important proteins are:

Other sources of animal
Proteins that do not have all the essential amino acids, as is well known, such as the following sources of supply "incomplete proteins.":

These above-mentioned sources of protein are involved in Building Muscle, but different types of proteins have different characteristics. Some proteins will act when the fat is absorbed into the blood, while others will undergo a much slower process. 

Soy Protein
This protein is derived from soybeans and is considered a complete source of protein, since it provides all the essential amino acids. The problem of consumption of soy protein to gain muscle mass, recent studies have shown the potential problems.
Studies have shown that phytoestrogens in soy protein decreased testosterone levels, while increasing the female sex hormone estrogen.
The results of this study is currently debate in the scientific community. However, there are other proven protein sources to consider at the same time. 

Whey Protein
An important factor when looking at the protein its absorption into the body. Whey protein found in milk, and it is considered a fast protein.
In other words, the body begins to absorb whey protein almost immediately. It takes less than an hour for the body to completely absorb the amino acids in whey protein.For this reason, whey protein significantly increase muscle synthesis, if you drink after a workout. If taken after exercise, it also helps your muscles recover faster.
Another benefit of whey protein is that it helps to regulate body weight, despite an increase in muscle mass at the same time the magazine notes the American College of Nutrition. 

Unlike whey, casein is a slow acting drug. This can take up to three hours to be absorbed into the body after consumption. However, this is not necessarily a negative characteristic.
muscles fibers also require long-term protein throughout the day. Journal of Strength conditioning explains that the most effective protein supplement will consist of a combination of both whey and casein proteins.

The fact that whey and casein absorption rate contradicts what makes them an ideal partner for larger muscles. 

Together with the right type of protein, time, how you consume this important fuel of muscles is also important. Studies have shown that after training hours an important time to consume protein. Period after strenuous activity, when your body needs to recover everything.
Many weightlifters also consume protein before bedtime. Your body goes into an empty stomach at night. During sleep, muscle tissue begins to degrade. Protein intake before bedtime can help you avoid the catabolic state. 

According to the Mayo Clinic, whey protein may lower blood sugar levels. For this reason, people with diabetes to consult their physician before use.
Protein powders and supplements can be good and convenient substitute for your nutritional needs, but do not forget to get adequate protein from whole food sources.
Moreover, too prolonged use of protein to gain muscle mass can lead to kidney damage. When you take a large part of the protein, be sure to consume plenty of water.

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