Thursday, June 16, 2011

Amazing Exercise Benefits-Fitness and Health

Maybe you're training to tone your thighs, biceps building, or flatten your tummy. Or perhaps you are working to prevent the big killers such as heart disease, diabetes and cancer. But how to improve the sweat of your mind? "Exercise is the best thing you can do to your brain in terms of mood, memory and learning," says psychiatrist at Harvard Medical School, John ratey, author of a spark, and the book: a revolutionary new science of exercise and the brain. "Even 10 minutes of activity in your brain changes." If you need more motivation to lace up the shoes, here are five ways that exercise can improve your mental abilities:Click here to learn more!
1. He abolished the harmful effects of stress

You can jump on the treadmill or cross trainer for 30 minutes and the means to blow up the tension by raising the level of "calming" of chemicals in the brain such as serotonin, dopamine and norepinephrine. What is magic, however, lies in the fact that exercise can actually work at the cellular level to reverse the pressure on the outcome of our aging process, according to June, the University of California at San Francisco. The researchers found that women are stressed-out and who exercised vigorously for 45 minutes on average for three days and had fewer cells, which showed signs of aging compared to women who were stressed and not active. The development will also help to keep us from thinking about "by changing the blood flow to these areas in the brain causes us to take part in these ideas to ease tension over and over again," said study co-author Elissa EPEL, associate professor of psychiatry at San Francisco.
2. Lift depression

Studies show that burning 350 calories three times a week through the tireless work that stimulates sweat, can reduce symptoms of depression, is about as effective as antidepressants. May be due to the fact that this practice was found to stimulate the growth of nerve cells in certain brain areas that were damaged during the depression. Moreover, studies have shown that animals receiving increases the production of active molecules of the brain, which works to improve communication between nerve cells, and thus acts as a natural antidepressant.
3. And to improve the quality of education

Exercise increases the level of brain chemicals called growth factors that help to create new brain cells, and the creation of new connections between brain cells, to help us learn. Interestingly, a range of activities such as playing tennis or dancing class, and to provide more support in the brain. "You challenge the brain, even when you think more about coordination," says Rathi. "As with muscle, you have to stress, the brain cells to make them grow." A complex of measures to improve our ability to learn through training of our attention and focus, according to German researchers, who found that students scored better on attention tasks older after 10 minutes to perform complex routines, fitness, compared with 10 minutes of normal activity . (Record of those who have not practiced in all that is worst.)
4. It builds confidence and improves body image

You do not need a radical change in the shape of your body to get more confidence in teaching. Studies show that simply the vision fitness improvements, such as running a mile faster or lift more weight than ever before, can improve your self-esteem and body.

5. It leaves you feeling euphoric

Yes, that "the higher the hostility," actually exists, if you're willing to go to the high density mode. Ratey recommends that bursts through the race interval training. Run, bike or swim in the shortest time from 30 to 40 seconds, and then reduce the speed and frequency spectrum for five minutes before running again. Repeat four times for a total of five sprints. "You feel really bright for the rest of the day."

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