Saturday, June 4, 2011

Prevent Sprains and Strains-Health and Fitness

Sprains and strains are two types of soft tissue injuries. Bias common injuries that usually leads to the rupture of ligaments and joint capsule. Strain of muscle damage or tendon. First aid includes rest, ice, compression bandage and elevation (Figure). A physical therapist can provide additional treatment, including physical exercise and physical therapy.
soft tissue injury may be sudden (acute) or deteriorate gradually (chronic). They can take anywhere from two to 12 weeks to heal, depending on the treatment of wounds, the initial and ongoing, and the age and general health.
The reasonSoft tissue of the bundle. Muscles and tendons contain specialized cells that control the degree of compression and elasticity. With general use, muscles and tendons to withstand the excessive soft for the use of acronyms. However, the sudden turns or vibration may be applied more force than the tissue can structurally withstand. Fibers overstretch beyond their capacity and tear. Hemorrhage from rupture of blood vessels leads to swelling.
Injuries to soft tissues such as ligaments and tendons can occur suddenly or gradually worsen. Sudden injury associated with a specific incident and is often called an acute soft tissue injuries. This means that it happened in the past 24 to 72 hours. The wound that worsens over time (eg three months), often referred to as chronic soft tissue injuries. They are usually associated with excessive stress or changes in normal tissue.
DistortionJoints are held together and supported by tough bands of connective tissue called ligaments. The entire joint is surrounded by a membrane filled with synovial fluid lubricant, which helps to nourish the joint and provide extra cushioning shocks. Bias common injuries that usually leads to small tears (micro-trauma), ligaments and joint capsule. common space for expansion are the ankle, thumb and wrist.
StrainMuscles are attached to joints with connective tissue called tendons. Damage to these tendons or muscles themselves is called strain. common sites for strains include the groin and hamstring calf.
SymptomsSigns of tension or strain may include:

* Pain
* Swelling
* Stiffness
* Reducing the effectiveness of the function.
Severityacute soft tissue injuries are classified according to their severity and include:
* I degree - some fibers are torn and the site is moderately painful and swollen, but the functions and powers largely intact.Grade II * - lots of fiber rupture and the site is painful and swollen, with some loss of functionality and durability.* III degree - the soft tissue is completely torn, with considerable loss of function and strength. Grade III injuries often need surgical intervention.
First aidSuggestions for immediate treatment of acute distortions or strains:

* Stop the activity.
* Rest the injured area.
* Use icepacks every two hours, asked for 15 minutes and is separated from the skin with a damp sponge.
* Compress or bandage the wounded site firmly, extending the packing from the bottom up.
* Raise (raise) the injured area above the heart when the height of the practical.
* Avoid exercise, heat, alcohol and massage, which can increase swelling.
If symptoms worsen during the first 24 hours, consult your doctor for further medical research.
Chronic woundsChronic injuries develop slowly over time and tends to evil, even when at rest. Using common triggers more pain. The most common cause of chronic soft tissue injuries is excessive. factors contributing to overuse injuries include poor technique, structural abnormalities and exercise too frequently without sufficient recovery breaks.
Some people, such as athletes or sports enthusiasts who regularly suffer from chronic recurring injuries. This may be caused by loose ligaments, inflexible scar tissue from previous injuries and muscle imbalance. These types of recurrent lesions is often in the workplace, where people perform repetitive tasks.
TreatmentMost soft tissue injuries take several weeks to heal, depending on the severity of sprain or strain and the general state of health. It is important to get proper treatment as soon as possible after the accident, to help recover quickly. Consult your doctor or physiotherapist immediately if function is impaired or if the pain and swelling does not subside after a couple of days.
Treatment options may include:

* Exercises physical therapy to promote healing, strength and flexibility
* Technical manuals, such as mobilization and massage
* Electrotherapy
* Pain medications
* Gradually introduce the activity to normal levels.
Severe injuries where the tissue is completely destroyed, you may need an operation to attach the pieces together. Grade III lesions surgically require significant physical therapy to regain strength and function. Short period of immobilization may help the healing process of injuries such as Class II.

Things to remember

* The type of distortion of the total injuries, which usually involves breaking ligaments and capsule.
* Deformation of muscle damage or tendon.
* Immediate treatment includes rest, ice tiles, compression (bandage) and elevation (Figure).
* Treatment and ongoing supervision to return to work or sport can be performed by a physiotherapist.

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