Thursday, June 2, 2011

Easy Exercises Tips for Teens-Fitness and Health

If you're a teenager, you may be confused about how to exercise to get stronger, stay healthy or, for some, the loss or weight gain. The good news is, there is no way appropriate for the operation and there is no perfect exercise you should do to be in shape. If it is true, it helps to know how you can work so you can have fun, achieve your goals and avoid getting hurt.
The great thing about sport for boys is that almost all the activities that make you move work. You should try to do heavy exercise for about an hour a day at least 3 days a week and regular, moderate activity for the rest of the week. Here are the different types of activities each week include:

1. Aerobic exercise strong. These include sports such as football, tennis, soccer, volleyball, basketball, etc. It also includes brisk walking, running, cycling, swimming or chasing an annoying brother. Always be sure to wear protection to any activities you have chosen and, as already mentioned, try to level of activity at least 3 times a week.
2. Strengthening muscle. This type of training helps you build muscle strength and endurance. This may involve activities that are not organized as the use of playground equipment or climbing trees. It also may include a structured strength training exercises such as squats, bending or sit-ups with weights, machines, or the weight of his body. Always work with adults, coach, trainer or other expert before you start lifting weights to make sure you know the right exercises to do and how to do it right. You can already lift weights if you play sports, but if not, you can add the kind of activity 2 or 3 days a week, with at least one rest day in between. Learn more about strength training for young children.
3. Regular activities. In addition to participating in a sport or other activities such as walking or cycling, you should also include regular activities in your day, which means limiting the time you're sitting at a computer or video games. This may include active games (like Wii or Dance Dance Revolution), a walk, fight with your friends, or throwing a ball in the yard. This is something you can do every day, especially on days you do not harder, the more structured training.
Prevention of operation

* High lift. This type of training involves lifting an explosion, often focus on how much you can lift at one time. Type of training is not recommended for children because it is difficult to use good form and body can be stressed too abruptly, causing injury.
* Exercising too. Exercising too much can also lead to injuries, overtraining, and, for girls, changes in the menstrual cycle, which can lead to bone loss. Sometimes it's hard to know how much is too much, so everyone can tolerate different amounts of exercise. However, the exercise several times a day or a few hours might be too much to anyone. Following the guidelines and exercising about an hour a day is a good starting point.
* Expect realistic results. While it is good to have goals to improve your body, you can not always control what we can change. If you want bigger muscles, it is something that happens after puberty, although you can always build strength at any age. If you want to lose weight, exercise and healthy diet is the key, but do not expect a dramatic weight loss last night. Permanent, safe weight loss is a slow process and try to accelerate with a healthy diet or exercising often counterproductive.
Tips for getting more exercise
If you are into sports, you may have practices, games and other activities to keep you busy. Otherwise, you may need to be creative in this sport, especially if you have not yet had the opportunity to practice different activities to find what you like and what you are good. Some ideas:

* On foot, by bike or skate to and from school, if the option
* Ask your parents if you can go to the gym with them or if there is a local community center where you can exercise
* Check the network cable to see if you have Exercise TV, a channel offering free training whenever you want
* If you hang out at the mall or local shopping center, take a walk rather than staying in one place or not eat at the food court
* Create a new routine where you walk, run or inline skate every day, when you come home from school or before dinner. If you do not want to exercise outside of them, ask your friend or family member to go with you or use a video workout in your bedroom
* Do some task. rake leaves or sweep the street can actually burn calories by making your parents happy
* Take the dog for a walk

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