Saturday, December 11, 2010

Tea is a calorie free beverage boosting with natural benefits.

Tea is the second most commonly consumed beverage worldwide. And, with good reason, tea is a calorie free beverage boosting with natural benefits. If you get bored with water, brew a cup of tea and toast to good health.

How Tea Can Enhance Health!

* Green tea is made from the non-oxidized leaves of the Camellia Sinensis plant.
* While tea contains caffeine it also has l-theanine so you won't over stimulated.
* Studies show that drinking more green tea decreases the risk of cardiovascular disease

What Is Green Tea?

Each of the four types of tea, green, black, white and oolong, are made from the leaves of the Camellia Sinensis plant. The differences in color and taste among each kind of tea are due to differences in processing of the tea leaves. For instance, black tea is made by allowing the tea leaves to oxidize for a few hours whereas the tea leaves are not oxidized at all when green tea is made. Oolong tea is made from tea leaves that are partially oxidized and white tea is made from very young tea leaves that are not oxidized.

Even though each of the four types of tea are made by using different processing techniques, even within a category of tea, there are large differences in taste depending on whether the tea is loose or in a bag, where and when the tea leaves were picked and more. Therefore, your tastes buds will notice that no two types of green tea taste the same.

Herbal tea isn't actually tea and therefore doesn't have the same health benefits associated with tea.
Green, Black, White, And Oolong Teas Are All Made From The Leaves Of The Camellia Sinensis Plant.

Green, Black, White, And Oolong Teas Are All
Made From The Leaves Of The Camellia Sinensis Plant.

How Green Tea Can Enhance Health:

Tea Is Loaded With Polyphenols

Polyphenols are plant-based compounds associated with a decrease in free radical-induced damage that contributes to some types of chronic disease.

Tea Helps You Focus And Concentrate

One complaint some people have about caffeine is the over stimulation - bouncing off the walls effect. Turn to tea and you'll feel focused yet relaxed. Tea is a natural source of both caffeine and the amino acid l-theanine. Both substances increase alertness but l-theanine also increases alpha-brain wave activity inducing relaxation. Studies show that l-theanine reduces psychological and physiological stress and produces a dose-dependent relaxed yet alert state about 40 minutes after consumption. One study found that together, 250 mg caffeine and 150 mg l-theanine led to faster simple reaction time, faster numeric working memory reaction time and improved sentence verification accuracy.

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